While the Fed was shrinking its agency MBS portfolio by $54.5 billion during the third quarter, commercial banks increased theirs by $56.2 billion and money managers added $23.8 billion. (Includes two data charts.)
Year-to-date CLO issuance lagged behind the pace set in 2018 because of a slowdown in refinance transactions. Octagon Investment Partners was the most active sponsor at midyear.
New issuance of credit-risk debt notes by the GSEs fell 25.5% sequentially in the second quarter, but surging MBS production in recent months will likely spur increased CRT activity in the second half of the year.
Mortgage-investing REITs continue to tap the equities market. And it’s occurring at an odd time: The Dow Jones Industrial Average is gyrating like a drunken puppet.
HUD is cracking down on the securitization of high LTV cash-out refis. Coming changes will affect FHA and VA lenders. Meanwhile, the FHFA may be ready to act as well. A big deal or much ado about nothing?
June was an exceedingly strong month for MBS activity with the average trading volume reaching $267 billion, according to SIFMA. But next week all eyes will be on the FOMC: Will the central bank hike or not?