Fannie's MBS issuance was up significantly from April to May while Freddie posted a smaller monthly gain. Purchase mortgages and refinancing both rose substantially.
Calabria reports to Congress on the outlook for Fannie and Freddie. Then asks for powers like those of the FDIC and other financial regulators, including the authority to issue charters for new GSEs.
Industry insiders disagree on how long it would take for Fannie and Freddie to go public. A Raymond James report says it will take three to four years, while others say it depends on the plan.
The long saga of the Single Security Initiative culminates in what’s supposed to be a more liquid and efficient TBA market as Fannie and Freddie issue their first common securities over the CSP.
It’s only a matter of time before the Treasury Department unveils its GSE re-form blueprint to White House insiders. But which advisory firm will assist Treasury in selling a new class of Fannie/Freddie stock to the public?
The Golden State's high concentration of broker loans and refinancing is reflected in its top two sellers: United Wholesale Mortgage and Quicken Loans.