The new “flexibilities” cover both originations and appraisals. On the origination front, Fannie and Freddie will reduce the acceptable age of income documentation on most loans to 60 days from 120...
Those top GSE volume states also accounted for $1.776 trillion of GSE single-family loans outstanding at the end of last year, 37.4% of the total market.
Calabria’s remarks were part of a broader outline summarizing the impact the crisis has had on mortgage markets and the actions the FHFA has taken in response.
Those 21 states accounted for $919.3 billion of single-family business funneled through Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae into mortgage-backed securities issued in 2019.
Mortgage guarantors and regulators are keenly aware of the financial disaster that could be in the making. Conference of State Bank Supervisors President John Ryan sent a letter to Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin encouraging the creation of a liquidity facility to support residential servicers.
Actions by the Fed to help the mortgage market haven't don't much for non-agency MBS. Issuance ground to a halt and a number of lenders suspended production.