According to a new research note from Sterne Agee, 65 percent of Altisource’s reported revenue is tied to Ocwen or Ocwen-related companies. “This is a highly symbiotic relationship," writes Stern Agee analyst Henry Coffey.
Nonbanks owned servicing rights on $1.136 trillion of securitized mortgages at the beginning of 2010, a figure that has swelled to $1.906 trillion as of the end of last year.
Mark Garland, president of MountainView Servicing Group, said he likes the product, noting that the timing couldn’t be better: “There are a lot of guys out there who are strapped for working capital,” he added.
All the world loves the CFPB? Not in the mortgage space, it seems. Financial services consultant Joe Garrett said he has six mortgage clients that have undergone exams by the agency. To say the least, it hasn't been a happy experience.
There has been talk in the market that JPM would unload some of its “high touch” MSRs this year, but so far brokers that play in the space have reported no scheduled auctions.
In a 10-K filing, PHH said its mortgage business relies on just two firms for 41 percent of its private-label retail business: Merrill Lynch Home Loans at 29 percent and Morgan Stanley at 12 percent.
How does the Johnson-Crapo bill favor senior preferred shareholders? The language notes that when assets in Fannie and Freddie are eventually sold, the idea is to “maximize the return for the senior preferred share-holders of the enterprises”…