The overall number of loans declined as borrowers whose loans were not in forbearance took advantage of low interest rates to refinance. Ultimately, Fannie’s net forbearance rate only declined about 1.0% in June, WFS said.
Despite what looks like good news, Black Knight warned there are another 800Kforbearancesreaching the end of their initial six-month terms over the next 30 days...
The agencies securitized almost $592 billion of single-family refi loans, a 17.8% increase from 2Q. Refis accounted for 64.7% of the market during the third quarter. However, purchase-mortgage activity increased more in percentage terms...
DBRS saw a relatively small 5.7% decline in MBS ratings from the first to the second quarter, and actually upped its ratings of expanded-credit mortgage MBS...
Fannie and Freddie securitized $556.2 billion of single-family loans that were aged three months or less when the MBS was issued, a whopping 81.0% increase from the prior quarter.