Black Knight: “While some borrowers will elect to leave forbearance early between now and their final expiration, servicers are still facing significant operational challenges"...
HFPC is urging FHA to offer a more flexible option whereby servicers can use a portion of the partial claim to reduce a borrower’s monthly payment, dollar for dollar...
The 10 bps is passed onto the borrower in the form of a higher note rate. Trade group officials argue that wealthy homeowners generally do not use GSE loans, so they're exempt from the fee.
In April, the government had proposed extending the effective date of the final rules by 60 days to allow stakeholders affected by the pandemic more time to review and implement the requirements but public comments did not support an extension, the CFPB said. Most industry commenters said they would be ready to comply by Nov. 30.
Multiple lenders tell Inside Mortgage Finance that, in late March, the enterprises began rejecting loans that would have been easily approved in early March.