Shouldn’t the managements of Fannie and Freddie start preparing for the day when they’re “free” from the shackles of regulatory bondage? Shouldn’t CEOs Hugh Frater (Fannie) and David Brickman (Freddie) be holding high level meetings with their lieutenants regarding strategies for the future?
Of course, mortgage historians know that Berkshire took a bite at the GSE apple a few decades back. In 2000, Berkshire was one of the largest shareholders in Freddie...
In recent years, mortgages funded by Quicken have been included in prime non-agency MBS issued by others, but this is the first deal backed solely by loans originated by Quicken and serviced by the firm.
Ditech, in the coming days, expects to close on its previously announced asset sale to New Residential Investment Corp. The REIT is scheduled to purchase most of the nonbank’s servicing portfolio and what’s left of its origination platform.