Payoff removals fell 0.4% from July to August, and by 2.8% for FHA loans. The VA program, which sees much heavier refinance activity, recorded a 1.9% increase in payoff removals, edging up to its highest level of the year.
AmeriHome, according to its S-1, earned $275.0 million during the first six months of 2020, slightly less than its combined profit for 2019 and 2018 ($279.5 million.)
Tom Piercy of IMA: “Any type of additional regulatory discussion is problematic as it typically starts with the best of intentions and ends up with the worst of consequences.”
The trend of sharply declining repurchases commenced in 2014 as investors and sellers began settling buyback claims on mortgages dating back to before the financial crisis.
Rep. Andy Barr of Kentucky: “Important sectors of our economy, including hospitality, conventions, entertainment, retail and commercial real estate, remain in stress."