After a quiet period in the early days of Rohit Chopra’s tenure, the CFPB is back on pace with enforcement actions. But the new director’s presence is really being felt in an avalanche of guidance.
Broeksmit criticizes CFPB at annual MBA conference; Senate Democrats ask for remittance rule revisions; bureau reopens payment service comments; CFPB says student borrower finances worsening.
Mortgage Bankers Association's President and CEO Robert Broeksmit said regulations have pushed banks out of the mortgage sector and could do the same to nonbanks if regulators aren’t careful.
CSBS names new policy and supervision chief; CFPB studies student banking; bureau sues remittances firm; DOJ settles discrimination claims with bank; Regulation F MVNs are optional; bureau states clearly false data don’t belong on credit reports.
The lawsuit claims the CFPB overstepped its authority when revising its supervisory exam manual to consider discrimination an unfair, deceptive or abusive act or practice.
The bureau is focusing its efforts on tackling digital redlining, reining in repeat offenders and identifying emerging risks, according to the bureau’s fair lending director.
The bureau’s special supervisory highlights report cites instances of university-owned lenders withholding academic transcripts to coerce borrowers into making payments.
The Center for Responsible Lending and Consumer Bankers Association have jointly requested rulemaking on personal lending, while the National Consumer Law Center wants rulemaking to prohibit the listing of medical debt on credit reports.