Commercial banks and thrifts held $172.6 billion of non-mortgage ABS as of the end of the first quarter, a 10.2 percent drop from December 2013, according to a new Inside MBS & ABS analysis of call report data. The industry’s top ABS investor, TD Bank, increased...[Includes one data chart]
Rohit Chopra, the CFPB’s student loan ombudsman, appeared before the Senate Budget Committee last week and indicated the bureau remains intent on holding student loan servicers to account for their treatment of struggling borrowers. “Like many of the improper and unnecessary foreclosures experienced by many homeowners, I am concerned that inadequate servicing has contributed to America’s growing student loan default problem, now topping 7 million Americans in default on over $100 billion in balances,” Chopra said. “To ensure that we do not see a repeat of the breakdowns and chaos in the mortgage servicing market, it will be...
Rep. Maxine Waters, D-CA, the ranking member of the House Financial Services Committee, is among those leading a legislative push by House and Senate Democrats to protect college students from what they see as unfair banking practices involving campus-sponsored financial products. The legislation would extensively rely upon the CFPB to help accomplish lawmakers’ objectives in this regard. The House bill, entitled the Curbing Abusive Marketing Practices with University Student Debit Cards Act (otherwise known as the CAMPUS Debit Cards Act), would end...
The odds seem to be increasing that student loan servicers are going to face tougher legislation or regulation – or both – as members of Congress and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau pay more attention to the sector. During a hearing this week of the Senate Banking Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection Subcommittee, Chairman Sherrod Brown, D-OH, drew a comparison between the mortgage market’s collapse and the resulting financial crisis and today’s student loan market – with an emphasis on the role of servicers in both contexts. Last year, Brown wrote...
Echoing an assessment that has become all too common across the housing and mortgage markets, CFPB Director Richard Cordray said excessive student loan debt is keeping many young people from buying a house and taking on a mortgage. “The consumers we hear from tell us how their debt burden has stopped them from buying a home, opening a small business, or starting a family,” Cordray said in a speech last week. With student-loan debt now having reached $1.2 trillion, the CFPB estimates that more than 7 million Americans are in default on a student loan. “For those who default early in their lives, the negative consequences for their credit report can make it more difficult to pass employment background checks...
Providers of consumer financial services products, be forewarned: If the CFPB has not gotten around to regulating you yet, don’t rest too easy. It definitely plans to do so. The latest edition of the CFPB’s Supervisory Highlights report indicated larger indirect nonbank auto lenders are next on its to-do list. But if past is prologue, the odds are strong that sector won’t be the last to feel the bureau’s expanding scrutiny.As per the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the CFPB has authority to supervise certain nonbanks, including mortgage companies, private student lenders, and payday lenders, as well as nonbanks the bureau defines through rulemaking as “larger participants.” To date, the agency has issued rules to supervise...
Legislation introduced earlier this month by Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-MA, to facilitate refinance options for struggling student loan borrowers could negatively affect existing student loan ABS trusts while benefitting certain kinds of bonds at the expense of others, according to Wall Street analysts that closely follow the space. Overall, it’s considered a negative. The good news is, the legislation isn’t expected to be enacted this year. The bad news is, other similar measures are expected to emerge after the November elections. Introduced May 6, 2014, S. 2292, the “Bank on Students Emergency Loan Refinancing Act,” would permit...
ITT Educational Services, the target in the CFPB’s first enforcement action against a for-profit education company over allegations of predatory lending, has asked a court to throw out the bureau’s complaint, arguing that the CFPB’s lawsuit is unconstitutional on two key grounds. In its brief in support of its motion to dismiss, filed late last month before the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana, Indianapolis Division, ITT argues that the CFPB is an unconstitutional entity, first, because it has “no presidential oversight” and because there is “no Congressional control of funding” of the agency.Attorney John Culhane, a partner in the Philadelphia office of the Ballard Spahr law firm, pointed out in a client note about the...
FSOC Suggests State Regulators Work With CFPB on Nonbank Servicer Issues. The Financial Stability Oversight Council – of which the CFPB is a member – recommended last week that state regulators collaborate on prudential and corporate governance standards to strengthen nonbank servicers. The FSOC said state regulators should work on the standards with the CFPB and the Federal Housing Finance Agency when appropriate. The CFPB and state regulators have some authority over these companies, FSOC noted, but many of them are not currently subject to prudential standards such as capital, liquidity or risk management oversight. Additionally, in a number of cases, mortgage investors’ ability to collect on mortgages is dependent on a single mortgage servicing company, where failure could have significant negative...
There are some potential problems with the evolving peer-to-peer lending sector that need to be resolved before ratings can be assigned to the securitization of such assets, according to Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services. To start to get a handle on this emerging sector, it is important to understand P2P companies’ specific strategies and their target demographic of borrowers and investors. “Platform operators in the P2P lending sector are...