Fitch Ratings has issued a report updating its standards for rating residential MBS under the ability-to-repay and qualified mortgage rules that went into effect early last year. Issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the rules outline a set of underwriting criteria, which, when met for a particular loan, protects the lender from any undue litigation risk and provides a safe harbor for the loan. The rules affect...
Originations of loans that don’t meet standards for qualified mortgages have been off to a slow start but officials at Impac Mortgage Holdings suggest that non-QM lending is poised for growth. Joseph Tomkinson, Impac’s chairman and CEO, said the government-sponsored enterprises’ dominance of mortgage originations has limited non-QM originations. “We knew going into this that it would be a slow growth,” he said this week during a call with investors ...
Non-qualified-mortgages accounted for 1.8 percent of mortgages originated in the fourth quarter of 2014 by 22 lenders surveyed by the National Association of Realtors. NAR noted that most of the lenders in the survey don’t portfolio their originations, which could skew the non-QM share significantly lower compared with lenders that hold non-QMs in portfolio. Some 5.0 percent of originations by lenders surveyed by NAR in the third quarter of 2014 were non-QMs ... [Includes three briefs]
Loan Modification Trial Payment Plans for Forward Mortgages. The Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced requirements for trial plan duration, required signatures, and reporting for trial payment-plan agreements, and the conditions under which FHA deems a TPP to have failed.Lenders must implement the requirements in Mortgagee Letter 2015-07 for all TPPs offered to borrowers on or after June 1, 2015. FHA Publishes Additional Sections of HUD Single-Family Policy Handbook. The FHA has published additional sections for the SF Handbook, including the following: Doing Business with FHA – Lenders and Mortgagees Doing Business with FHA – Other participants in FHA Transactions – Appraisers; Quality Control, Oversight and Compliance – Lenders and Mortgagees; Quality Control Oversight, and Compliance – Other Participants in FHA Transactions – Appraisers ...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture-Rural Housing Service has proposed to revise regulations for the single-family housing guaranteed loan program pertaining to qualified-mortgage (QM) requirements, refinancing, principal reduction and lender indemnification. The deadline for comments is May 4, 2015.The RHS is proposing to amend its regulations to indicate that a loan with an RHS guarantee is a qualified mortgage if it meets certain requirements set by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The CFPB published a QM rule, which became effective on Jan. 10, 2014. Among other things, the rule requires creditors to make a reasonable, good faith determination of a borrower’s ability to repay the mortgage loan. In addition, the rule establishes a safe harbor from liability for transactions that meet the QM requirements or, in certain cases, a rebuttable presumption of ...
More than a year after standards for qualified mortgages took effect, a number of lenders are willing to offer non-QMs, but production has been concentrated on affluent borrowers. Lenders seem less willing to offer non-QMs to borrowers with lower credit scores or higher loan-to-value ratios. For the past year, Nationstar Mortgage has been working toward offering a non-QM refinance product. The loan would target non-agency borrowers in the nonbank’s large servicing ...
There might be the usual hard line posturing on the part of both major political parties in the U.S. Congress on display when it comes to legislation related to the CFPB. But behind the scenes, top industry officials have no intention of letting up on the pressure they are trying to bring to bear on lawmakers to pass as many practical changes to bureau rulemakings as possible. “In the next two weeks, there will be several bills introduced dealing with less controversial but important elements of regulatory reform that we think will have bipartisan support,” said one mortgage industry executive in Washington, DC. Bills are expected to include provisions such as providing “qualified mortgage” status for many portfolio loans, with ...
The CFPB’s ability-to-repay rule will likely be revised if Congress fails to enact legislation to reform the government-sponsored enterprises by the time the rule’s Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac “patch” expires in six years. Appearing before the House Financial Services Committee last week, CFPB Director Richard Cordray and committee chairman Jeb Hensarling, R-TX, went back and forth over the accuracy of a study the Federal Reserve did a few years ago about the potential impact the ATR rule could have on the market, specifically in terms of limiting borrower access to credit. Cordray said he disagreed with the findings of the report, asserting that the Fed’s study was based on provisions that were substantially different than what were ultimately adopted. Hensarling then ...
As Republican leaders in Congress stake out hard-line positions on structural changes to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Democrats are responding by digging in their heels, raising the prospects of more gridlock. Sen. Richard Shelby, R-AL, chairman of the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee, recently stated his desire to pull the CFPB within the orbit of the congressional appropriations process. He is also interested in changing the leadership structure of the bureau from a single director to a governing board. Ranking Member Jeff Merkley, D-OR, and other Democrats are opposed...
With many small and mid-tier mortgage companies and banks increasingly worried about straying from compliance with the CFPB’s expanding rules and requirements, vendor representatives are working overtime to alleviate their clients’ anxieties and keep them on task and on budget. “We’re really seeing a lot of fear in the CFPB’s steadily intensifying regulations and requirements,” said Mary Beth Doyle, founder and co-owner of Loyalty Express, a mortgage marketing technology vendor in Woburn, MA. As recently as a year or a year-and-a-half ago, companies were saying they would wait to hear about a new rule themselves from the CFPB. “And today, people are more panic driven. There’s this sense of paralysis because everyone’s afraid of stepping out of bounds and not ...