Complaints submitted to the CFPB regarding student loans declined in the first half of the year. Most complaints are focused on federal student loans, which were the subject of a recent Supreme Court ruling.
Attorney James Sandy of McGlinchey Stafford said that while there’s no legal definition of a junk fee, the CFPB has offered several examples, that can provide some lessons to financial institutions.
The $25 million settlement is the CFPB’s first enforcement action brought over information handling practices in processing mortgage payments. The settlement is tied to the Electronic Fund Transfer Act.
The bureau initiated 32 fair lending investigations in 2022. The most common issue leading to supervisory communication was related to mortgage origination underwriting policies and guidelines.
The Federal Trade Commission, in an amicus brief supporting a CFPB appeal, said historical practice, Supreme Court precedent and congressional action affirm that the Equal Credit Opportunity Act expressly protects prospective credit applicants.
Movement Mortgage settles with DOJ; CFPB, other agencies issue RFI on medical debt; Senate Democrats want action on voice cloning; CFPB says most borrowers in forbearance in 2021 are current now; CFPB paying out to student loan borrowers who were charged illegal fees.
The CFPB’s latest regulatory agenda included a new larger-participant rule for consumer payments markets. The CFPB is also working on mortgage servicing reforms.
A pending initiative on personal data rights will entail CFPB rulemaking paired with private sector standard-setting activities, allowing market developments to guide the path toward “open banking.”
An appeals court affirmed dismissal of enforcement claims brought by the CFPB because the bureau repeatedly refused to follow court instructions to answer questions in depositions.
During hearings this month, Republicans said a recent data breach at the CFPB resulted from poor cybersecurity practices. They also complained the agency took too long to inform Congress of the problem.