Some 89% of default servicers expect foreclosures and real estate-owned inventories on government-insured loans to rise even though there is no major economic recession or downturn in the housing market.
An Urban Institute study has called for uniformity among Fannie, Freddie, FHA, VA and USDA when considering student-loan debt in mortgage underwriting.
Based on FHFA’s new 2020 loan limits, VA announced guidance for deter-mining the guarantee on loans to veterans with partial entitlement while Ginnie revised its definition of “high balance” loans.
A bipartisan group of lawmakers has urged House leadership to stop further hikes in VA home-loan funding fees to pay for non-housing veteran benefits. The spending on future veterans’ benefits should be shared by all Americans or paid through direct appropriation of funds, they say.
The Office of General Counsel's opinion clarifies the circumstances under which it would reimburse exempt veterans who were improperly charged a funding fee.