FHA officials have sounded alarms over the rising concentration of higher-risk loans in new business. An exclusive new Inside FHA/VA Lending analysis shows they have good reason to be concerned. (chart)
Correspondent-production platforms regained a smidgeon of market share in government-insured lending during the third quarter, according to a new Inside FHA/VA Lending analysis. (chart)
The ability to extract more equity at a lower price appears to be driving the growth in FHA cash-out volume, according to an Urban Institute analysis of FHA’s FY 2018 report on the financial condition of the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has filed a complaint and a proposed settlement against a Nevada lender for misleading borrowers on the benefits of VA streamline refinancing.
In an analysis of FHA’s fiscal 2018 audit of the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund, analysts believe the Department of Housing and Urban Development may be inclined to shrink FHA’s footprint modestly given the risk profile of its new business.
Retail-originated loans securitized by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae during the third quarter generally had stronger credit scores than similar loans produced by third-party lenders, according to a new Inside Mortgage Trends analysis of loan-level data. The average credit score for a retail purchase loan pooled in an agency mortgage-backed security during the period was 735.47, compared with 720.20 for correspondent purchase ... [Includes two data charts]