FHFA Director Sandra Thompson said workforce housing exemptions should still encourage multifamily borrowers to preserve affordable housing for “extended periods.”
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac revenues ticked up in the third quarter, but an increase in net expenses cut into profits. Those expenses included damages and interest awarded to shareholders in Fairholme v. FHFA. (Includes data table.)
The regulator’s plan to refocus the FHLBanks on housing finance may take some time to get underway. Changing the eligibility requirements for membership, though, doesn’t seem to be likely.
Although Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac met their duty-to-serve obligations, that doesn't mean they achieved all their goals. Both enterprises received low scores in some categories.
Freddie CAO describes the lexicon of an objective appraisal. He discourages the use of subjective language terminology such as “desirable” or “family friendly.”
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac released details on FHFA’s new policy of extending natural disaster-related reps-and-warranty relief to mortgagees impacted by the pandemic.
If FHFA follows through on the shift from the tri-merge to a bi-merge system, two million borrowers currently eligible for a GSE mortgage would no longer qualify, according to a report from TransUnion.
An audit by FHFA’s Office of Inspector General found that the agency’s Office of Housing and Regulatory Policy hasn’t conducted adequate oversight of the new reports.