Housing counseling agencies should partner with lenders, nonprofits and government housing agencies to develop fee-for-service models to tap additional funding, according to industry experts.
Improving efficiency played a big role in boosting mortgage-banking profits in the second quarter as gain-on-sale margins narrowed while servicing took a hit on net MSR valuation. (Includes data table.)
One reason companies should formally adopt generative AI is that three-quarters of employees say they already use ChatGPT or one of its competitors in the workplace.
The introduction of MISMO Link should democratize the creation and implementation of standards and processes even among those that aren’t MISMO standards experts.
The federal government should expand its role in the disaster insurance market to help increase availability, the Congressional Budget Office suggested in a new paper.
Even with interest rates on mortgages coming down, home sales have been tepid in recent months, with potential buyers waiting for even lower interest rates.