New non-QM MBS; Figure gains new private label partners; CFPB weighs in on TILA case; Guaranteed Rate takes full ownership of relocation mortgage specialist; AG Mortgage Investment Trust bids on Western Asset Mortgage Capital; A&D improves second-loan pricing.
Surge of non-agency MBS hits market; Redwood partners with Oaktree on business-purpose loans; A&D Mortgage launches second-mortgage product; former First Republic CEO appointed to lead Turkey’s central bank.
Republic First Bank exits mortgage business; LoanNex’s non-QM marketplace comes to LendingPad; Former Athas Capital CEO to launch non-QM shop; new non-agency MBS; Maxex debuts program for alternative-doc loans.
Issuance of prime non-agency mortgage-backed securities bounced back after a dismal fourth quarter, but activity was well below the highs of the first quarter of 2022. (Includes three data charts.)
Annaly Capital Management plans to increase dedicated capital for its residential credit business with an emphasis on taking banks’ expanded-credit loans.