With the flow of new jumbo mortgage securitizations still running at a trickle, the non-agency MBS market remains dominated by resecuritization deals that face new regulatory hurdles ahead. New issuance of non-agency MBS dropped...[Includes four data charts]
Risk-retention requirements proposed by federal regulators last week strongly favor the government-sponsored enterprises over non-agency securitization, according to industry analysts. The pristine mortgages in Redwood Trusts recent jumbo securitization would not completely meet the standards and the vast majority of... [Includes one graph]
Real-estate investment trusts that focus on the nonconforming market are positioned to capitalize on risk-retention requirements proposed last week by federal regulators. But banks with large balance sheets may be less able to access non-agency securitization, according to industry analysts. The qualified residential mortgage proposal is likely to...
A number of firms are actively testing their jumbo securitization operations, according to Clayton Holdings. Notably, jumbo conduits are anticipating new mortgage-backed security issuance. We have recently participated in several meetings centered around newly-developed jumbo conduit platforms and have performed...
Fitch Ratings proposed major revision of the ratings process for jumbo mortgage-backed securities could pose obstacles to the resumption of non-agency MBS issuance, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association. Under Fitchs proposal, jumbo MBS ratings would be tied to home prices and potentially require...