Three non-agency mortgage-backed security trustees filed lawsuits this week against Richmond, CA, which plans to use eminent domain to purchase mortgages with negative equity. The city recently sent letters to servicers and trustees of non-agency MBS offering to purchase 624 mortgages. If the MBS trustees do not sell the loans for the offered price of 80 percent of the current value of the properties, Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin, a member of the Green Party, said the city intends to ...
Carrington Mortgage Services recently reversed its response to a survey regarding accounting for principal forbearance. The servicer initially told Fitch Ratings that it reported all forbearance amounts as losses on modifications and will continue to report forbearance mods as losses at the time of modification. However, near the end of July, Carrington said it has approximately $300 million in principal forbearance amounts that havent been reported as losses ... [Includes four briefs]
The question of whether the FHA should allow the refinancing of underwater mortgages seized through eminent domain has reemerged as a key issue following a recent decision by the city of Richmond, CA, to use its authority to take over distressed mortgages for restructuring. There is a new twist to the question, however. Could FHAs refusal to refinance such mortgages be deemed discriminatory against cities and homeowners if eminent domain programs meet the requirements of the FHA Short Refinance program? Is that tantamount to redlining? A top executive of Mortgage Resolution Partners, which developed the eminent domain strategy to help underwater homeowners at risk of foreclosure, said ...
Continued abuses has caused single-family loan originations to remain a top priority for reviews and targeted audits, according to the Department of Housing and Urban Developments Office of the Inspector General. A specialized audit program has been developed to target lenders, considering a number of high-risk indicators, the OIG said. Although the agency did not elaborate, it did note Congress keen interest in FHA solvency and in eradicating policies and practices that contribute to the agencys current financial woes. The OIG said it plans to ...
The SEC said the deal has taken nearly $70 million in losses the greatest loss rate of any comparable securitization from Bank of America. An additional $50 million in losses are expected.
A federal district court in New York last week ruled that a landmark discrimination lawsuit, the first to connect racial discrimination to the securitization of mortgage-backed securities, can move forward against Morgan Stanley. A July 25 ruling by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York in Adkins v. Morgan Stanley denied in part the investment banks motion to dismiss the case, which alleges violations of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act. The putative class-action suit was filed...
State and federal regulators appear to be close to getting more servicers to agree to a settlement similar to the $25 billion deal agreed to by five big banks.