The jumbo mortgage market generally kept pace with the robust growth in first-lien originations last year, but the agency component clearly did better than the non-agency side, according to a newInside Mortgage Finance ranking and analysis. An estimated $534.57 billion of single-family mortgages with loan balances exceeding $417,000 were produced last year, an increase of 20.0 percent from 2015. That was in line with the 19.0 percent growth in total first-lien production in 2016. But the agency jumbo market – loans in high-cost markets eligible for securitization by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae – was...[Includes three data tables]
Commercial banks and thrifts reported a combined $123.8 billion of ABS on their balance sheets at the end of last year, a 3.7 percent drop from the third quarter…
The agency share of total jumbo production reached its highest level in 2009 and 2010, immediately after “emergency” high-cost loan limits were put in place…