Can nonbanks become significant players in the HELOC market and ride MBS execution to a new wave of dominance? Due diligence firms that facilitate such transactions hope so.
The proposed rule is meant to prohibit ABS issuers from engaging in “conflicted transactions” that could influence the deal structure in a way that puts their interests ahead of those of investors.
Governance and social risks are the main ESG factors that affect credit ratings of MBS and ABS, while environmental relevance remains low, according to Fitch Ratings.
The FHFA will significantly reduce a controversial fee for comingled securities in UMBS; no consistent trend in delinquencies and losses across MBS and ABS in December; term SOFR not an option as GSEs leave LIBOR behind.
Prices on non-agency MBS took such a hit in 2022 that the market is now gaining popularity with investors, even with the threat of a recession. Still, new issuance in 2023 is expected to come in lower on an annual basis.
Spreads tightened this week for a new CRT transaction from Fannie and new non-agency MBS; prepayment rates on agency MBS exceptionally low; lessons from Silvergate Bank’s crypto activity.
A tough beginning to 2023 for non-QM lenders and securitizers? It looks that way, but the irony is that money managers, insurance companies and others continue to have a strong appetite for yield.
Fees associated with MBS trades and other services provided by the Fixed Income Clearing Corp. increased Jan. 1. The FICC said the fee hike was necessary due to lower revenues and higher expenses.