Speculators, in the form of short-sellers, are zeroing in on the mortgage industry, including some of the fastest-growing servicers of the past two years: Nationstar Mortgage, Ocwen Financial, and Walter Investment Management Corp. But one mortgage stock being shorted more than any of these is PHH Corp., the parent company of PHH Mortgage, the nations seventh largest originator. According to figures compiled by Standard & Poors, as of early February, speculators had sold short 17.2 million shares of PHH common. As a ratio of shares outstanding in PHH, this comes...[Includes one data chart]
Credit Suisse late last week broke a two-month lull in jumbo MBS issuance, and JPMorgan Chase appears to be planning a new security. However, the jumbo MBS market is far from flourishing as other issuers continue to avoid the sector. Credit Suisse issued a $287.42 million jumbo MBS last week. CSMC Trust 2014-IVR1 received a AAA rating from DBRS with credit enhancement of 6.85 percent on the top-rated tranche. The deal had...
The new judge presiding over Bank of Americas $8.5 billion settlement with MBS investors this week countermanded, for the moment, last weeks approval of the deal by her predecessor, giving a major opponent of the agreement another chance to argue against it. New York State Supreme Court Justice Saliann Scarpulla agreed to delay approval of the deal until at least Feb. 19 to hear American International Groups appeal. Last week, Justice Barbara Kapnick approved the settlement agreement, except for loan modification claims, as one of her last acts before she took a promotion to the states Appellate Division. BofA agreed...
The mortgage market is just one month into the world of qualified mortgage lending under the Consumer Financial Protection Bureaus ability-to-repay rule. But behind the scenes, investors, legal advisors and technology vendors are working to get ready to enter the non-QM space. I can tell you, at least from the investor side, from the number of investors that I talk to and some of these are cradle-to-grave guys that have originating arms in their organizations, or maybe correspondent networks for which theyre buying they are building infrastructure and capability to process and buy these non-QM type loans, said Dave Hurt, vice president at CoreLogic. So there is genuine interest and significant enough confidence that there will be a market that theyre making investments both in technology and infrastructure to do that. And its not...
Investors hoping to cash in on some of the huge returns realized by speculators in legacy nonprime MBS likely have missed the boat. Moreover, principal reductions on the remaining underlying loans are now deemed a credit negative. Trading in on vintage non-agency securities has been light of late. According to a recent report from Bank of America Merrill Lynch, the rally in such securities has reached the ninth inning. BAML notes...
New production of single-family agency MBS in January 2014 fell to its lowest monthly volume in five years, according to a new market analysis and ranking by Inside MBS & ABS. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae generated a total of $67.82 billion in single-family MBS last month, a 10.4 percent drop from December 2013. It was the weakest monthly issuance since January 2009, when $64.39 billion of new agency MBS were produced as world financial markets tried to recover from collapse. Market conditions if you dont consider the weather outside were...[Includes one data chart]
Nonbank mortgage servicers continued to grow their portfolios during the fourth quarter of 2013, as market stalwarts pulled aside and gave them room to accelerate, according to a new market analysis and ranking by Inside Mortgage Finance. Nine nonbank companies ranked in the top 30 mortgage servicers as of the end of last year, and they held an estimated $1.69 trillion in mortgage servicing. Several of the top nonbank lenders have not yet reported fourth-quarter earnings, and the groups total servicing could be higher as more data come to light. Moreover, most of the nonbanks have pipelines of pending bulk and flow acquisitions, meaning they will continue...[Includes one data chart]
Over the past two years, roughly a dozen investment vehicles have raised at least $500 million each to buy mortgage servicing rights, fueling a red-hot market that for now shows no sign of slowing. Some of these funds are headed by mortgage banking veterans such as Emanuel Friedman the former co-CEO of Friedman, Billings, Ramsey Group and Michael Lau, a former top deal maker at Phoenix Capital, one of the largest servicing brokerage firms in the nation. According to interviews conducted by Inside Mortgage Finance, Laus company, Pingora Loan Servicing, has amassed...
The Treasury Departments surprise move in the summer of 2012 to rewrite the Senior Preferred Stock Purchase Agreements it had with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was an unlawful action that could have a far-reaching impact well beyond the shareholders of the two government-sponsored enterprises, according to an attorney representing shareholders. Speaking Wednesday at a forum sponsored by Ralph Naders Shareholder Rights advocacy group, attorney Ted Olson of Gibson Dunn & Crutcher said Treasurys Third Amendment to the PSPA was a calculated effort by the Obama administration to ensure that GSE stockholders got nothing, according to internal Treasury documents they obtained. The amendment replaced the quarterly GSE dividend payment with a net-worth sweep of all company profits. Perry Capital, represented by Olson, is...
Graham Williams, CEO of Mortgage Resolution Partners, a firm that has achieved notoriety in the mortgage industry for trying to use eminent domain to seize underwater loans, is moving on. But that doesnt mean the concept of municipalities using the legal strategy is going away. Im transitioning out of the CEO job, Williams told Inside Mortgage Finance. The company will continue on. Asked whether a CEO search is underway, he said he didnt know. As Inside Mortgage Finance went to press this week, there were...