The key factor for TBA investors is prepayment speeds. A quick scan of the FHFA data show that the conditional prepayment rates for UMBS issued by Fannie and those issued by Freddie have remained comparable since the launch of the single security in June.
FSOC continues to focus on the risk posed by nonbanks, which are key players in the MBS market. But is the regulator worrying too much? Opinions differ.
Kevin Keyes, CEO of Annaly Capital Management since September 2015, abruptly parted ways with his employer without much in the way of explanation. The REIT’s shares continue to trade in a tight price range.
The issue of fast prepays on VA IRRRLs refuses to die. Recently, VA mailed a warning letter to as many as 500 lenders. Inside MBS & ABS obtained a copy of the correspondence.
Three names are being kicked around to head Ginnie Mae, the government’s $2 trillion MBS guarantor: Robert Couch, Clinton Jones and Joe Murin. But is something else afoot?