Officials involved in the development of the common securitization platform and the single, interchangeable MBS for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have vowed not to publicize any timetable for the project. And despite several attempts to get an answer during a panel session at this week’s secondary market conference sponsored by the Mortgage Bankers Association, they stuck to their plan. They went out of their way to stress that they haven’t forgotten about potential non-agency users sometime down the road. But that’s...
The Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee approved a Republican regulatory relief bill on a strictly partisan vote late this week, with all of the mortgage-finance provisions previously reported intact. Sen. Pat Toomey, R-PA, momentarily offered Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac a “get out of jail free” card, in the form of an amendment addressing capital requirements for the two government-sponsored enterprises, then withdrew it, presumably for use at a future point in time. “This is...
U.S. Mortgage Insurers Supports GSE Risk-Sharing. The USMI wrote a letter this week to Sen. Richard Shelby, R-AL, in support of Shelby’s regulatory relief bill, which calls on the GSEs to engage in front-end risk sharing transactions. “This directive would make greater use of private capital to “de-risk” the GSEs, lower the exposure and costs for the enterprises and taxpayers and should lower costs to borrowers,” the trade group said. Fannie Names Winning Bidders of First NPL Sale. Fannie Mae unveiled the winning bidders on its first-ever sale of non-performing mortgages last week: SW Sponsor LLC and PRMF Acquisition, the latter of which is an affiliate of Neuberger Berman Fixed Income Funds. The GSE...
Housing is showing some traction, but heavy regulation and enforcement continue to weigh on the mortgage market, according to analysts at this week’s secondary-market conference sponsored by the Mortgage Bankers Association in New York. Charles Gabriel, president of Capital Alpha Advisors, said there are some green shoots in the mortgage market, including signs of more home sales. But he characterized it as “a mature market that is suboptimized.” Lenders have paid massive penalties in lawsuits, he added, and there is no sign that they will expand the credit box. “U.S. Bank was asked...
The noise over regulatory relief legislation is getting louder. Over the past week, Republicans in the Senate issued a clarification of sorts about their draft legislation, Democrats came up with a narrower alternative and the industry weighed in as the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee prepared for a markup scheduled for late this week. A noteworthy provision in the Democrats’ proposal would extend qualified-mortgage status for loans originated and held in portfolio – but only if the depository institution has less than $10 billion in assets. The GOP bill would extend this safe harbor to all banks, thrifts and credit unions. The Democratic proposal would bar...
If one of the sponsors of the Dodd-Frank Act supports giving mortgage lenders an enforcement break when the CFPB’s integrated disclosure rule kicks in later this year, you know something serious is afoot. Such is indeed the case. Rep. Brad Sherman, D-CA, one of the original backers of Dodd-Frank, has crossed the partisan aisle in the House Financial Services Committee to join Rep. Steve Pearce, R-NM, in introducing H.R. 2213. Their bill would grant lenders a temporary safe harbor from enforcement of the rule integrating the required mortgage disclosures under the Truth in Lending Act and the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act. More specifically, H.R. 2213 would protect lenders from private lawsuits and regulatory enforcement actions through Dec. 31, 2015, ...
House GOP’s Proposed Budget Rejects IT Administrative Fee, HTF. House Republicans withheld funding for a proposed administrative fee, which the FHA planned to invest in technology to improve quality assurance and reduce paid-claims losses. The Department of Housing and Urban Development first requested authority to collect the fee in the President’s FY 2015 budget request but was turned down. It appears House Republicans are on track again to reject the proposed fee in the FY 2016 appropriations bill, said HUD Secretary Juan Castro. Castro lambasted the House Republicans’ proposed budget cuts, saying they would hinder HUD from carrying out its mission and from investing in communities that most need help. The GOP bill also rescinds funding to the proposed Housing Trust Fund, which allocates a small percentage of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac profits to ...
Republicans in the House of Representatives continued their efforts to chip away at the Dodd-Frank Act during a hearing this week by rolling out critics who said the act not only was a poor and ineffective response to the 2008 financial crisis, but also created a host of new problems and could be contributing to the next debacle. Rep. Sean Duffy, R-WI, chairman of the House Financial Services Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, said a major assumption underlying Dodd-Frank – that the primary cause of the financial crisis was misbehavior by securities market participants – was false. “Main Street lenders are being...
A new regulatory relief bill drafted by Sen. Richard Shelby, R-AL, would guarantee that the common securitization platform project managed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would be open to all MBS issuers “as soon as practicable,” and structured as a nonprofit utility. The legislation, which also expands the risk-transfer activities of the two government-sponsored enterprises, lays the groundwork for the CSP being transferred away from the GSEs and managed by a third-party provider. But that doesn’t mean...
The Federal Housing Finance Agency is drawing flak after asking Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac CEOs to submit executive compensation analyses that could significantly boost pay for top management at the government-sponsored enterprises. The FHFA capped Fannie and Freddie CEO salaries at $600,000 in 2012, but FHFA Director Mel Watt wants to change that. In its first-quarter earnings statement, Freddie revealed that the regulator asked the GSEs’ boards to review CEO compensation. Rep. Ed Royce, R-CA, doesn’t...