The likelihood of new loans exceeding the statutory high-priced mortgage loan (HPML) threshold due to a recent policy change relating to FHA mortgage insurance premium payments is causing uneasiness among some lenders, said an industry trade group. This week, the Consumer Mortgage Coalition warned that lenders might not originate FHA-insured loans if they thought the new MIP policy would cause the mortgages to turn into HPMLs and subject them to increased liability. Specifically, the new MIP policy might prevent ...
HUD Takes Second Furlough. The Department of Housing and Urban Development this week announced the second of seven furlough days employees are scheduled to take due to mandatory, government-wide budget cuts: June 14. Sequestration went into effect March 1 because Congress failed to pass legislation on balanced deficit reduction. HUD employees took their first forced leave on May 24. Approximately $85 billion will be slashed from the federal budget for the remainder of the fiscal year. The next furlough date is July 5. HUD, however, may not need to ...
The bipartisan legislation to replace Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac thats taking shape in the Senate would leverage key reform projects already underway at the government-sponsored enterprises, but it doesnt tackle some of the key transition issues the market would face by putting the GSEs out of business. The reform plan being put together by Sens. Bob Corker, R-TN, and Mark Warner, D-VA, has at its core the risk-sharing projects currently being designed by the GSEs, according to a copy of the draft legislation provided to Inside MBS & ABS. The Secondary Mortgage Market Reform and Taxpayer Protection Act of 2013 would also implement the common securitization platform that Fannie and Freddie are building under the direction of the Federal Housing Finance Agency. The legislation would put...
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac out of existence, the two GSEs arent going anywhere for the near-future, say industry observers. Two bills one by a Republican GSE hawk filed two weeks ago, the other a bipartisan proposal soon to be submitted that would wind down and replace Fannie and Freddie over a period of 5 to 10 years have cranked up the volume of chatter about the prospects of GSE reform on Capitol Hill. Dont hold your breath because nothing has changed, according to financial industry consultant Bert Ely.
The bipartisan Senate legislation being drafted to finally resolve the conservatorships of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac attempts to meet the needs of a lot of interests in the mortgage finance industry, including small lenders, Wall Street, the multifamily business and even, potentially, current owners of common stock issued by the two government-sponsored enterprises. A discussion draft of the bill, the Secondary Mortgage Market Reform and Taxpayer Protection Act of 2013, outlines a broad plan for shutting down Fannie and Freddie and replacing them with a new entity the Federal Mortgage Insurance Corp. that is intended as a transition to a fully private mortgage market. A copy of the draft legislation, which is primarily the work of Sens. Bob Corker, R-TN, and Mark Warner, D-VA, was provided to Inside Mortgage Finance. The draft bill includes...
The Department of Housing and Urban Development will face intense scrutiny from lawmakers after revelations this week that the department may have suppressed information indicating much higher projected losses for the FHA Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund than it reported to Congress. Rep. Darrell Issa, R-CA, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, raised the issue in a May 29 letter to FHA Commissioner Carol Galante, citing suspicious email exchanges between certain top FHA officials and Tyler Yang, chairman and chief executive officer of Integrated Financial Engineering, which performed the FY 2012 actuarial audit of the fund. The letter is...
Despite the best efforts of supporters readying another push to legislatively enhance the Home Affordable Refinance Program, a proposed HARP 3.0 bill in the Senate will ultimately remain a once-interesting idea whose time has passed, say industry observers. From its initial introduction during the 112th Congress through subsequent tweaking and refiling earlier this year, the Responsible Homeowner Refinancing Act of 2013, S. 249, by Sens. Robert Menendez, D-NJ, and Barbara Boxer, D-CA, has struggled to gain traction in the Senate. The Obama administration has mounted...
A Senate bill filed last week by a Georgia Republican would wind down Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and create a transitional mortgage program that would be sold to the private sector within a decade of the proposed legislations enactment. The Mortgage Finance Act of 2013, S. 1048, by Sen. Johnny Isakson, R-GA, reprises his proposed legislation of the same name from 2011. The bill would replace the two government-sponsored enterprises with a single Mortgage Finance Agency. The MFA created under S. 1048 would be...
The FHAs net-worth requirement, now fully phased in nearly three years since it was revised, will help ensure that only responsible, well-capitalized lenders and mortgagees are involved in the origination of FHA-insured loans. However, small FHA lenders may get squeezed out in the process. On May 20, the second and final phase of FHAs new net-worth rule became effective. The final rule provides that, regardless of size, all applicants for FHA approval and those with current approval must have a ...
The Texas House of Representatives has approved legislation that will let voters decide on Nov. 5 whether to allow home-equity purchase lending in the Lone Star State. The bill would amend the Texas constitution to authorize Home Equity Conversion Mortgage for Purchase loans, which would make the program available to Texans for the first time. The state legislature voted 139 to 1 in favor of Senate Joint Resolution 18, which the Texas Senate approved unanimously in March. Specifically, the bill would amend the state constitution to ... [One chart]