As last month drew to a close, the leadership of the House Financial Services Committee decided to postpone a May 29 markup of a number of pending bills, including six related to the CFPB, after the death of the mother of Rep. Maxine Waters, D-CA, the ranking member of the committee. The markup has been rescheduled for Tuesday, June 10, the committee announced late last week. Among the CFPB-related bills pending before the committee is...
The CFPB recently convened a small business review panel as per the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996 to discuss potential amendments to the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, Kelly Thompson Cochran, acting assistant director for regulations at the CFPB, said in a recent blog posting. The amendments made by the Dodd-Frank Act expand the scope of information relating to mortgage applications and loans that must be compiled, maintained and reported under HMDA, including the ages of loan applicants and mortgagors, information relating to the points and fees payable at origination, and the difference between the annual percentage rate associated with the loan and benchmark rates for all loans. Other new inclusions are...
The Federal Reserve Office of Inspector General has begun an evaluation of the CFPB’s controversial headquarters renovation budget in response to a request from Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-NC, chairman of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, the OIG revealed in its semi-annual report to Congress. “To address this congressional request, our objectives are to evaluate, with respect to the CFPB’s headquarters renovation project, (1) the capital budgeting and approval process, (2) the scope and justification for cost estimates, and (3) the use of competitive procedures,” the OIG said. It expects...
Director Cordray to Deliver Report to Senate Banking. CFPB Director Richard Cordray is scheduled to deliver his agency’s semi-annual report to the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee on Tuesday, June 10, 2014. Cordray is the only person scheduled to appear before the committee during this event. His remarks will be posted on the committee’s website the day of the hearing, which will also be available for viewing live online. Look for coverage of the event in the next issue of Inside the CFPB. Bureau Plans Public Field Hearing on Mobile Financial Services. The CFPB plans...
How Not to Run a Website. The “links” section of the website of the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee is so outdated, not only does it not have a link to the CFPB, arguably the majority’s favorite regulatory agency, it also has links to the Federal Housing Finance Board and the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight. Both of those agencies were subsumed and replaced by the Federal Housing Finance Agency back in 2008. Not surprisingly, there also is no link on the committee’s website to the FHFA’s website. Meanwhile, neither nor have...
Congressional legislative action – something likely out of reach for at least the next two years – is either a part of the problem or the only solution to unraveling the final fate of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, according to two distinctly different schools of thought being argued this week. The rhetorical boxing match pitted Urban Institute Fellow Jim Parrott’s thesis that only a legislative fix by Congress can free the two government-sponsored enterprises from the status quo against Jim Millstein, CEO of Millstein & Co., who contends that the GSEs should emerge recapitalized from conservatorship forthwith, a feat that can and should be executed via “administrative reform.” Parrott fired...
The odds seem to be increasing that student loan servicers are going to face tougher legislation or regulation – or both – as members of Congress and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau pay more attention to the sector. During a hearing this week of the Senate Banking Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection Subcommittee, Chairman Sherrod Brown, D-OH, drew a comparison between the mortgage market’s collapse and the resulting financial crisis and today’s student loan market – with an emphasis on the role of servicers in both contexts. Last year, Brown wrote...
When it comes to the legal theory of disparate impact and the Supreme Court of the United States, perhaps the third time around will be the charm. Recently, the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs requested the nation’s highest court to agree once again to take on the issue of disparate impact under the Fair Housing Act. The questions presented to the high court in Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, et al., Petitioners v. The Inclusive Communities Project, Inc. are...
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac cannot remain safely in conservatorship indefinitely, and they cannot get out from under Uncle Sam’s protection without “cataclysmic” consequences to the government-sponsored enterprises, MBS investors and the market, according to a new Urban Institute study. While the Federal Housing Finance Agency and the White House can make minor changes administratively, the UI paper notes it would take an act of Congress to authorize substantial revisions to the GSEs’ bailout agreement. “They can take...
With housing finance reform legislation effectively stalled just short of a Senate floor vote, the industry is beginning to shift its expectant gaze to the Federal Housing Finance Agency to take the initiative as the debate moves toward GSE preservation. Although the reform bill, S. 1217, by Sens. Tim Johnson, D-SD, and Mike Crapo, R-ID, cleared the Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee earlier this month, its less than impressive 13-9 vote margin all but ensures that Senate leadership will ignore the measure’s bid for a floor vote through the remainder of the 113th Congress.