Increases to home prices and employment rates along with servicers loss mitigation activities have combined to reduce delinquency rates to normal levels across most of the country, according to industry analysts. However, foreclosures remain a concern, particularly in states with a judicial foreclosure process. The overall delinquency rate fell to 7.38 percent in the second quarter of 2013 from 8.64 percent the previous quarter, according to the Inside Mortgage Finance Large Servicer Delinquency Index based on 17 lenders that service a total of $5.42 trillion in home mortgages. Thirty-to-60-day delinquency rates actually ticked up...[Includes one data chart]
The question of whether the FHA should allow the refinancing of underwater mortgages seized through eminent domain has reemerged as a key issue following a recent decision by the city of Richmond, CA, to use its authority to take over distressed mortgages for restructuring. There is a new twist to the question, however. Could FHAs refusal to refinance such mortgages be deemed discriminatory against cities and homeowners if eminent domain programs meet the requirements of the FHA Short Refinance program? Is that tantamount to redlining? A top executive of Mortgage Resolution Partners, which developed the eminent domain strategy to help underwater homeowners at risk of foreclosure, said ...
PNC Financial Services Group is under federal investigation regarding claims on expenses it incurred in connection with the foreclosure of loans insured or guaranteed by the FHA, Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. In a recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, PNC disclosed a subpoena from the U.S. Attorneys Office for the Southern District of New York seeking documents related to the foreclosures. PNC said the inquiry is in its early stage and that ...
The mortgage banking industry has commended the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs on passing the FHA Solvency Act earlier this month but raised concerns about the bills indemnification provision. In a letter to Committee Chairman Tim Johnson, D-SD, and Ranking Minority Member Mike Crapo, R-ID, David Stevens, president of the Mortgage Bankers Association, said some deserving borrowers are being shut out of FHA because of strict credit overlays that lenders add to avoid indemnification risks. Stevens said when the Department of Housing and Urban Development is able to require ...
The Department of Housing and Urban Development will implement new guidelines spelling out changes to the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage program on Oct. 1. The guidelines will establish additional requirements to reduce losses and improve the fiscal safety and soundness of the HECM program, which has been hit hard by massive losses due to borrower default and steep home price declines. An FY 2012 actuarial audit projected $2.8 billion in HECM losses. However, the audit also projected a steady improvement of the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Funds HECM portfolio over the next seven years, becoming negative ...
Continued abuses has caused single-family loan originations to remain a top priority for reviews and targeted audits, according to the Department of Housing and Urban Developments Office of the Inspector General. A specialized audit program has been developed to target lenders, considering a number of high-risk indicators, the OIG said. Although the agency did not elaborate, it did note Congress keen interest in FHA solvency and in eradicating policies and practices that contribute to the agencys current financial woes. The OIG said it plans to ...
The real estate industry recommended establishing a new FHA condominium program structure to ease the burden on condo projects seeking FHA certification without posing more risk to the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund. Commenting on FHAs proposal to collect information on the agencys condominium certification process, a coalition of real estate groups said the current program is too burdensome for condo owners and potential buyers with an FHA-insured mortgage. Comprised of the National Association of Realtors, National Association of Home Builders, Institute of Real Estate Management and the ...
The FHAs FY 2013 commitment authority for its multifamily programs will run out on Aug. 15, forcing loan applicants to suspend their projects until Congress can approve a new funding commitment for FY 2014. The FHA has informed multifamily, risk share and healthcare program participants that the $25 billion commitment authority allotted by Congress for FY 2013 is nearly gone. The agency said it does not have enough funds for all applications currently in the pipeline. The agency continued to ...
The VA home loan program was up 23.5 percent in the first six months of 2013, although activity slowed by 1.5 percent from the first quarter, according to Inside FHA Lendings analysis of VA data. The VA reported $74.4 billion in purchase and refinanced loans during the first six months, with refis accounting for 52.9 percent of total volume. The programs share of the overall mortgage insurance market fell to 22.2 percent in the second quarter from 24.3 percent in the previous quarter. Combining their year-to-date results, the FHA and VA reported a combined ... [1 chart]
HUD Seeks Comment on Proposed Multifamily Rule. The Department of Housing and Urban Development is seeking comment on proposed changes to regulations covering contract rights and obligations of FHA multifamily lenders. When a lender finances multifamily loans through bonds or bond anticipation notes, it uses the FHA insurance claim funds to pay off the remaining bond debts. At times, the claims payments are greater than the remaining bond debts. The proposed rule would require lenders to return to the FHA the excess bond funds that remain after ...