The Federal Housing Finance Agency this week issued a final rule requiring annual stress tests for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and the Federal Home Loan Banks, as mandated under the Dodd-Frank Act.
Fannie Maes inadequate internal controls on outsourced servicer reimbursements and late-to-the-party oversight by the Federal Housing Finance Agency cost the GSE $89 million in overpayments last year, according to a recent report by the FHFA Office of Inspector General.
Will the White House ask Freddie to fork over its deferred tax assets? Holders of "junior preferred" and common class GSE stock hope to increase the value of their holdings. Fannie Mae kills its inactivity fee. And Fannie hires a manager for its part of the Common Securitization Platform.
Rising prices for mortgage servicing rights in the second quarter of 2013 helped lure sellers to a market that continues to see a decline in available product and improving fundamentals. The Federal Reserve this week reported that the long, steady decline in home mortgage debt outstanding a streak that has now run six and a half years continued through the midway point in 2013. As of the end of June, home mortgage debt outstanding was down to $9.833 trillion, a 0.4 percent drop from March and a hefty 12.9 percent decline from the all-time high ($11.287 trillion) set back in March 2008. A new Inside Mortgage Finance analysis reveals...[Includes two data charts]
The House Republic legislation to eliminate the government-sponsored enterprises and replace them with private capital has no chance of passing in the Senate, according to Sen. Bob Corker, R-TN. He said the bipartisan approach he crafted with Sen. Mark Warner, D-VA, has a better chance of passing through Congress and maintaining wide availability of 30-year fixed-rate mortgages. Going to a completely privatized system today to me is not something that has one chance of passing, Corker said late last week in a conversation with Warner, hosted by Zillow. Corker was referring to H.R. 2767, the Protecting American Taxpayers and Homeowners Act, which the House Financial Services Committee approved in July. The bill isnt on the Houses fall legislative agenda. What Mark and I have done is...