Proposed options for adjusting FHA products, market presence and powers could have a direct effect on the availability of credit for borrowers and on the FHAs ability to respond to changing market conditions, according to a new study by the Government Accountability Office. In certain instances, the recommended changes would entail tradeoffs a downside for every upside. Industry participants, researchers and the FHA have suggested these options to improve FHAs long-term viability or for shrinking the agencys footprint in the mortgage market. The GAO undertook the study to determine ...
During a Q&A session at the convention, MBS co-inventor Lew Ranieri said there is no viable alternative to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, noting that if the two disappear banks will not rush to put 30-year fixed rate loans on their books.
Its a done deal that the Federal Housing Finance Agency will make across the board reductions in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loan limits that will take effect in May 2014, but factions in the housing and mortgage industries are already drafting contingency plans if the cuts are too deep. I would say if they are significantly 5 to 10 percent reduced, then you will see new legislation, said one industry lobbyist whos been tracking the issue for well over a year. In other words, if the national loan limit falls...
The future of the mortgage market is assuming a much more prominent position in policy discussions among Congressional lawmakers, particularly in the Senate. But while there is real reason to expect progress on a legislative solution to Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and a privately funded secondary market this year, Capitol Hill insiders warn that the endgame should be measured in years, not months. Speaking at the Mortgage Bankers Associations annual convention in Washington this week, former House Financial Services Committee Senior Counsel Michael Borden and former Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee Staff Director Dwight Fettig agreed its a virtual certainty that a final reform bill will not materialize during the 113th Congress. I think were...
Although Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are working through the pile of potential repurchases related to pre-conservatorship loans, lenders remain concerned about buyback risk even under the more lender-friendly policies that went into effect this year. The representations and warranties framework we have in this industry absolutely does not work, said Brian Fitzpatrick, president and CEO of LoanLogics, during a panel session at this weeks annual convention of the Mortgage Bankers Association. The new reps-and-warranties framework devised by the Federal Housing Finance Agency in January provides...
Early Thursday, EverBank disclosed that it is selling $13.4 billion of Ginnie Mae servicing rights, while transferring $6.9 billion in subservicing to Walter Investment Management Corp.
The long-rumored sale of roughly $60 billion in mortgage servicing rights by Flagstar Bancorp is likely to get signed in the fourth quarter, but the bank continues to be coy about which investor its negotiating with. According to servicing advisors familiar with the transaction, Two Harbors Investment Corp. has been talking to the thrift about buying MSRs, but at press time it was unclear if the real estate investment trust is the winning bidder on the deal. Officials from both firms declined to comment. Flagstar, in a recent earnings call, confirmed...
Efforts to redefine the FHAs mission under the pretense of eliminating taxpayer risk would be counterproductive to the goal of housing finance reform, warned FHA Commissioner Carol Galante. In recent remarks to a housing reform forum in Washington, DC, Galante said that while housing reform is necessary, restricting the FHAs ability to perform its dual mission in response to perceived risk is not the way to go. This type of over-correction would damage access to affordable credit, she cautioned. Apparently referring to pending House Republican reform proposals for the government-sponsored enterprises and the FHA, Galante said...
According to figures compiled by Inside Mortgage Finance, the GSEs took in $16 billion from buybacks during the first six months of 2013. At the same time, lenders succeeded in getting $7 billion in repurchase requests withdrawn.