Nonbanks will likely account for over half of outstanding agency single-family servicing by the end of 2018 if market trends continue as they have in recent years.
The government-sponsored enterprises both ended 2017 with record-setting numbers in the mul-tifamily market. Freddie Mac issued $68.0 billion in multifamily securities last year, up from $51.2 bil-lion the previous year.
After rumors late this week surfaced that Sen. Mark Warner, D-VA, was walking away from supporting the government-sponsored enterprises’ bill (Corker-Warner) he crafted with Bob Corker, R-TN, a source close to the housing finance reform discussions confirmed that is not the case.
Purchase-money mortgages are the bread and butter in primary mortgage-insurance activity, but refinance loans also played a role in the continuing climb in private MI market share during the fourth quarter of 2017, according to a new Inside Mortgage Finance analysis.
Proposed changes to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as it relates to community-based banking institutions could put borrowers in rural communities at a disadvantage, according to a new report by the Center for Responsible Lending.
The Federal Housing Finance Agency Office of Inspector General said the recent uptick in the purchase of adjustable rate mortgages by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, especially since November 2016, bears watching as a potential emerging risk.