The Department of Housing and Urban Developments Office of the Inspector General has alerted the FHA of significant potential losses because a California-based direct endorsement lender allowed certain FHA-insured loans with prohibited restrictive covenants to be recorded. An OIG audit of 84 FHA-insured loans underwritten by Standard Pacific Mortgage of Irvine, CA, found 28 loans with unallowable restrictive covenants that were recorded in certain Florida and Arizona county registers. The loans were closed between Jan. 1, 2008, and Dec. 31, 2011, the OIG said. Of the 28 loans, 15 resulted in ...
NCOA Booklet Required Reading for HECM Borrowers. The National Council on Aging has announced the availability of the 2013 version of Use Your Home to Stay at Home,, the official reverse mortgage booklet approved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The booklet is designed to help older homeowners understands the pros and cons of a reverse mortgage. Federal law requires that all individuals who are considering a reverse mortgage go through pre-counseling by a HUD-approved counseling agency and receive a copy of the NCOA guide. The NCOA also offers other ...
The Federal Housing Finance Agency has tabled for now a plan being pushed by Fannie Mae to lower force-placed insurance rates by as much as 30 percent, bringing in a group of insurance firms that are not traditional players in the market, industry officials who were briefed on the matter said. These officials, speaking under the condition their names not be published, said Fannie Executive Vice President Terry Edwards was heavily pushing the plan, but in the end the FHFA decided to delay action and set up a study group to look into the matter further. The names of the insurers that Fannie was working with were not released.
Private mortgage insurers in 2012 posted their best year since the financial market collapse back in 2008 and suddenly after being largely left as roadkill in the governments bailout program are attracting new capital. Private MIs reported $174.81 billion in total new insurance written in 2012, more than doubling the amount of business they did the year before, according to a new Inside Mortgage Finance ranking and analysis. With the FHA and VA programs growing at a more deliberate pace, it boosted the private MI share of the primary mortgage insurance market to 32.0 percent, up from 22.7 percent in 2011. A significant part of the private MI rebound came...[Includes three data charts]
PMI Mortgage Insurance Co. may be out of the mortgage insurance business, but its surviving MI subsidiary, CMG Mortgage Insurance Co., will continue providing MI to credit unions under new management beginning in 2014. Last week, Arch Capital Group, a Bermuda-based provider of insurance and reinsurance, announced an agreement to acquire CMG MI from PMI Mortgage Insurance, as well as the latters operating platform and related assets. PMI is currently in rehabilitation and has been under the receivership of the Arizona Department of Insurance since 2011 after failing to meet statutory capital requirements. The transaction will not only allow...
FHA Commissioner Carol Galante fended off attacks by Republicans on the House Financial Services Committee this week, saying that the actual performance of the FHA single-family program over the course of FY 2013 and steps the agency takes during this period will determine whether the agency will need more cash to pay claims. In her first congressional appearance since her Senate confirmation in late December, Galante tried to assure critics that the FHA may not have to borrow from the U.S. Treasury to boost its claims-paying ability if the proposed budget President Obama releases next month does not show a shortfall. In last years proposed 2012 budget, the president anticipated...
With the White House budget delayed until sometime in March, there is renewed speculation that the Department of Housing and Urban Development will not ask for a draw from the Treasury Department to bolster the cash-starved Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund of the FHA. In testimony this week before the House Financial Services Committee FHA Commissioner Carol Galante said underwriting changes and premium hikes have decreased the likelihood that the MMI will request additional cash. But she could not say for certain, noting that if a draw is needed it will not come until the end of fiscal 2013. Mortgage insurance professionals and consulting firms that work on HUD issues have estimated...
A deeply divided House Financial Services Committee took on FHA solvency this week as critics and defenders clashed over the agencys practices, financial health and future role in the nations housing market. The distinctly partisan tone of the hearing quickly raised doubt as to whether the Republican majority and their Democratic opponents can come to some compromise to strengthen the FHA and reduce its risk to taxpayers. Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling, R-TX, echoed complaints by Republican colleagues that the FHA is ...
An announced 10 basis-point hike in the FHA mortgage insurance premium (MIP) may bolster the health of the FHA Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund and speed up shrinkage of FHA market share, but it will also make FHA-insured loans costlier for borrowers. The increase is the latest in a series of premium hikes imposed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development in the past three years to strengthen the MMI Funds capital reserves, which lately have fallen to a negative position. Simultaneously, HUD announced other measures to ... [1 chart]
The FHA this week has proposed to set a 95 percent maximum loan-to-value ratio for FHA-insured loans over $625,500, effectively raising the minimum downpayment for jumbo loans from 3.5 percent to 5 percent. In a Feb. 6 Federal Register notice, the FHA said the proposed change is aimed at improving the health of the Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund, whose statutory capital reserve ratio has fallen to a precarious level, raising the specter of a taxpayer bailout. Despite steps taken since 2009 to strengthen the MMIF, actuarial reviews of the fund have projected rising levels ...