Freddie continued to be the fastest-growing sector in agency servicing. Freedom Mortgage was a major seller in the first quarter, while Lakeview and Chase posted big gains. (Includes two data charts.)
While nonbanks continued to amass a greater share of the MBS servicing market, Chase and other depository institutions boosted their owned servicing in 2021. (Includes two data charts.)
Rocket is the largest home lender in the land but ranks fifth among servicers. Does it have designs on being the number-one servicing shop too? Hard to say.
Regulatory oversight of nonbank mortgage lender/servicers has increased in recent years, but most of the actions have been uncoordinated. In the latest move, FHFA proposed financial standards for GSE seller/servicers.
Bidders continue to sidle up to the MSR auction bar as interest rates move higher. Are premium prices beginning to waiver? We’re not there yet but sometimes the market can turn on a dime.