By automating its biennial review system, the FHLBank regulator has dramatically reduced the number of member institutions that are inadvertently omitted from community support reporting.
The latest mortgage rumor in the nation’s capital: President Biden might turn to Fannie and Freddie in an attempt to push down borrowing rates, thus aiding his reelection chances.
Based on a new proposal, it would seem that banking regulators are paying closer attention to how much money federally insured depositories are lending to nonbanks.
Consultant Paul Hindman may have said it best: “Hiring, then firing is just too painful.” The good news is that thanks to lower rates and the spring homebuying season approaching, originators soon may be hiring again. The bad news: It won’t be huge.
Appraisers are supposed to adjust the value of comparable properties to account for home price appreciation. FHFA found that most either don’t make these time adjustments or make them too small.
Seven Republicans in the Senate wrote to federal banking regulators, amplifying concerns already raised by mortgage industry participants about proposed revisions to capital requirements for large banks.