The Department of Housing and Urban Development has spelled out the conditions under which borrowers must successfully complete a trial payment plan before they can get a permanent standard loan modification under the FHAs loss mitigation program. A HUD mortgagee letter (ML 2011-28) also specifies the time requirements for completing loan modification and partial claim documents for a servicer to receive an incentive fee. The FHA reported 13,368 loan modifications and 3,082 partial claims paid in June. A total of 119,703 FHA loan modifications were reported from October 2010 through June 2011, and 21,035 foreclosure claims were paid over the same period. Their workout ratios were ...
The Department of Housing and Urban Developments Office of the Inspector General recommended that an approved FHA lender be ordered to indemnify HUD against any future losses on a number of loans with material underwriting deficiencies. An audit of Ameritrust Mortgage Bankers, based in Lake Success, NY, found that 11 of the 20 FHA-insured mortgages that the lender had originated failed to meet FHA underwriting guidelines and that a quality control plan did not meet agency requirements. Inadequate verification and documentation of borrowers income, assets, liabilities and credit histories resulted in actual losses of $183,327 on one loan and potential losses of more than $2.7 million on 10 loans, for total losses of more than $2.9 million, the audit found. In addition, Ameritrust officials allegedly charged ...
Bank of America and Wells Fargo continued to be the dominant FHA mortgage servicers in a market continuously plagued by high default rates. As of the 2011 midyear mark, the megabanks held 3.86 million in FHA-insured loans in their combined portfolios, giving them a commanding 54.9 percent share of the FHA servicing market, according to Inside FHA Lendings latest analysis of Neighborhood Watch data. Including BofA and Wells Fargo, the top 50 FHA servicers accounted for 97.3 percent of the market or a total of 6.83 million FHA loans as of June 30. The total for FHA servicing was 7.02 million over the six-month period. The percentage of FHA loans that were 30-60 days delinquent was ... [Includes one data chart]
Mortgage servicing turned more profitable during the second quarter of 2011, according to a new analysis by Inside Mortgage Trends. The story is less clear on the production side of the business because of the mammoth loss reported by Bank of America. Net servicing profits for a group of nine major lenders rose 20.2 percent from the first quarter, reaching $2.08 billion. While that was a significant improvement over the $1.73 billion they earned on servicing in the first three months of the year, it was the second ... [contains one data chart]
Top mortgage lenders continued to face a huge backlog of pending loan buyback demands and insurance claims denials at the midway point in 2011, according to a new analysis by Inside Mortgage Trends.Five major lenders that report detailed data on repurchase exposure had a combined $19.26 billion of mortgage repurchase claims outstanding at the end of June. The good news is that figure was down 6.1 percent from the first quarter.The so-so news was that three of the companies reported increases in their repurchase claims outstanding during the second quarter. Bank of America which had 60.1 percent of ... [contains one data chart]
With confidence in economic recovery continuing to waver across the country, theres been a revival of speculation about what the Obama administrations next move will be in the housing market, given the industrys substantial role in the economy and the upcoming presidential election. This week the Washington Post reported that the president called for a team of advisers to create a housing finance reform proposal that would allow the government to maintain its large role in the market and extend a federal loan subsidy for many borrowers. However, Neal Wolin, deputy secretary of the Treasury, was quick to ...
Allowing investors to purchase distressed properties in bulk will help ease the bloated housing inventory, stabilize home prices, increase affordable housing and reinvigorate the sagging housing market, according to a recent Morgan Stanley report. Bulk sales, along with lease-back programs and other incentives, can help avert a growing crisis in housing triggered by the worst financial collapse since the Great Depression, concluded Morgan Stanleys housing analysts. Strict underwriting has tightened mortgage credit, making home purchases more ...
The consensus among mortgage market watchers is that the downgrade earlier this month of the GSEs by Standard & Poors will have no immediate, detrimental impact even as Fitch Ratings this week said it is keeping Fannie Mae and Freddie Macs AAA rating.Fitch this week also said its outlook for Fannie and Freddies ratings remained stable. The move was in concert with Fitchs decision to keep its rating on U.S. debt at the highest grade.A key element of the explicit support is the guarantee by the U.S. Treasury to inject funds into Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, so that each firm can avoid being considered technically insolvent by their regulator, said the rating agency.
The Vice-Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, and an outspoken GSE critic, is among the Capitol Hill lawmakers named to be one of the 12 super committee House and Senate members tasked with tackling debt reduction.
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and three federal agencies are cranking up existing efforts to dispose of the GSEs ample real estate owned inventory of homes into overdrive by seeking investors ideas for converting thousands of REO properties into rentals.Last week, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the Treasury Department and the Department of Housing and Urban Development put out a request for information on how best to sell GSE and FHA-owned REO properties.