A House Republican legislative proposal to transfer the Department of Agricultures rural housing programs to the FHA to eliminate potentially duplicative housing services would be disruptive if not premature, according to officials from both agencies. Testifying during a recent House subcommittee hearing on a GOP discussion draft to reform FHA, Ginnie Mae and the Rural Housing Service of the Department of Agriculture, agency representatives expressed their opposition to the proposal. The Republican discussion draft is under consideration in the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Insurance, Housing and Economic Opportunity to...
The Department of Housing and Urban Development recently called upon lawmakers to restore funding for its housing counseling, a key eligibility requirement for borrowers under the FHAs Home Equity Conversion Mortgage program. Deborah Holston, HUD acting deputy assistant secretary for single-family housing, told members of the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Insurance, Housing and Community Opportunity that the department has identified ways to streamline and improve the housing counseling program. House appropriators did not restore funding for the program in the draft FY 2012 appropriations bill released...
Granting the chief financial officer additional oversight authority as proposed by House Republicans would be excessive for a relatively small agency such as Ginnie Mae, the agencys president told lawmakers. Testifying during a recent House subcommittee hearing on legislative proposals on FHA and Ginnie Mae reform, Ginnie Mae President Ted Tozer said that while he understands the committees concerns about the agencys financial condition, he believes the provision is not necessary. Among other things, the proposal would give Ginnie Maes CFO a greater hand in overseeing operations to ensure that the agency is not...
Expect a gradual but deliberate increase in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac guarantee fees to a level that more closely reflects what a private market would charge, the head of the Federal Housing Finance Agency announced this week. In a speech at the American Mortgage Conference in Raleigh, NC, FHFA Acting Director Edward DeMarco said that since Fannie and Freddie were placed into government conservatorship three years ago this month, the two government-sponsored enterprises have steadily increased g-fees and lessened the degree of cross subsidization in credit pricing. Yet, DeMarco noted, the GSEs current pricing for credit guarantees is...
The outstanding supply of home-equity loans in the market declined further in the second quarter of 2011, hitting its lowest level in almost six years, but there are signs that the HEL market is at least stabilizing. The Federal Reserve reported a balance of $904.4 billion of home-equity lines of credit and closed-end second mortgages outstanding as of the end of June, down 2.3 percent from the first quarter and 9.2 percent lower than a year ago. The vast majority of the HEL market is on the books of banks, thrifts and credit unions, which collectively held $827.7 billion in portfolio. Finance companies, some of them owned by... [Includes two data]
Industry groups are ramping up efforts to extend conforming loan limits currently available in high-cost markets that are set to expire at the end of the month, focusing their lobbying efforts on appropriations legislation in the House. The National Association of Realtors and the National Association of Home Builders are dou-bling their efforts to persuade Congress to extend current limits for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the FHA, which top out at $729,750 for single-family units in the lower 48. Barring legislative action, the top loan limit will drop to $625,500 on Oct. 1. In addition to the lower ceiling, loan limits in most high-cost markets will...
Regulators should take stronger actions to ensure that homeowners in need of loan modification are treated fairly and that servicers increase their efforts to implement newer Making Home Affordable (MHA) programs, according to a new Government Accountability Office report. The GAO said that while the Department of the Treasury has taken a number of steps to implement its previous recommendations to improve the program, it has not yet taken steps to improve servicer oversight, among other recommendations made by the watchdog agency. Treasury began publishing quarterly assessments of servicer performance under the Home Affordable Modification Program and...
With additional rulemaking still expected from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to flesh out some loan originator compensation provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act, state regulators are getting ready to release their own examination guidelines related to mortgage originator compensation for non-depository institutions, based on the Federal Reserves rule issued earlier this year. The Conference of State Bank Supervisors and the American Association of Residential Mort-gage Regulators have been working together since May drafting guidelines for implementation of the...
The housing meltdown revealed a lot of unsafe lending practices, but some advocates say the mortgage industry may be ignoring successful strategies for expanding homeownership by restricting new lending to only those with squeaky-clean credit. The lesson of the financial crisis cant be that homeownership is bad, or only for a small group, said Judith Jacobson, the deputy director and general counsel for the Massachusetts Housing Partnership during a panel discussion hosted by progressive nonprofit Center for American Progress this week. Jacobson and others described programs developed in Massachusetts and North Carolina that...
Government mortgage programs dont just dominate the mortgage origination business, they are also sitting on a huge inventory of real estate owned properties that are clogging the housing market recovery and adding to government budget problems. That spurred the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Federal Housing Finance Agency and the Treasury last month to look for public input on ways to minimize losses for taxpayers and increase private investment in housing, including property sales and joint ventures. The National Association of Realtors said the best way to deal with the large REO inventory is to...(includes data chart)