The FHA has extended for one more year a temporary waiver of a regulation prohibiting property flipping in order to facilitate faster sale of its bulging real estate-owned inventory. The agency hopes that having the waiver in place until Dec. 31 will stimulate the rehabilitation of foreclosed and abandoned homes for another year, including properties being resold within 90 days of acquisition. The waiver is not limited to the resale of foreclosed properties. Property flipping occurs when a property acquired at a discounted price is resold for a considerable profit with an...
The Department of Housing and Urban Development has entered into a partnership agreement with the National Community Stabilization Trust to facilitate the implementation of a first look program that will give preference to certain purchasers to acquire FHA real estate-owned properties. In a notice published in the Federal Register, HUD announced the issuance of a universal Name and Address Identification Number (NAID) to the NCST to assist eligible buyers in purchasing REO properties under the National Stabilization Programs First Look Sales Method. The NAID requirement for purchasers is...
While Congress debated the payroll tax cut extension, a tax provision allowing homeowners to deduct private mortgage insurance premiums from their annual federal tax bill quietly expired on Dec. 31. Consequently, mortgage loans with private MI that closed on or after Jan. 1, 2012, will no longer be able to use the deduction, unless Congress passes a bill that extends the deduction through next year retroactive to the beginning of 2012. It is a lapse that occurs almost every year, according to MI industry participants. Tax deductibility of MI premiums is part of a huge legislative package...
The Department of Veterans Affairs has liberalized the requirements for modification of VA-guaranteed loans and has provided servicers with more options to help veterans avoid foreclosure. Final rules published recently in the Federal Register show changes to requirements related to the calculation of interest rates on modified loans as well as foreclosure costs that may be rolled into the modified loan balance. The rules also give mortgage servicers the flexibility to modify VA loans without seeking prior approval from the VA, thus speeding up assistance to veteran borrowers facing...
MGIC Investment Corp. pumped $200 million into its ailing mortgage insurance operation, Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corp., to increase its statutory capital and enable it to continue writing new business. The capital infusion is part of a survival strategy mapped out by the private MI company two years ago, with the concurrence of the Wisconsin Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (OCI), Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The strategy included a waiver from the OCI capital requirements as well as approvals by the two government-sponsored enterprises of MGICs subsidiary, MGIC Indemnity Corp. (MIC), as an...
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac this week advised lenders that they will increase the guarantee fees they charge on all mortgage products by 10 basis points starting April 1, the result of a money-raising scheme enacted by Congress in the waning hours of the 2011 legislative session. A 10 bps point hike in fees charged by the government-sponsored enterprises may have a nominal effect at first, but the long-term implications are more significant. Politically, the increased fees will not be used to cover losses incurred by Fannie and Freddie or even to repay the governments costs incurred to...
Business was booming at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac during the just-completed fourth quarter of 2011, with total single-family mortgage securitization jumping 47.4 percent from the previous period, according to a new analysis and ranking by Inside Mortgage Finance. The two government-sponsored enterprises pumped out a combined $261.2 billion in single-family mortgage-backed securities during the final three months of the year. That was the highest quarterly production level of the year, but it still came up 21.2 percent short of the volume generated....(Includes three data charts)
Congress has approved legislation mandating an FHA premium increase of 10 basis points, corresponding to an increase in fees charged by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for placing guarantees on cash flows to mortgage-backed securities investors. The increases were in the Temporary Payroll Tax Cut Continuation Act of 2011, which was approved by the House on Dec. 23 by unanimous consent and previously cleared by the Senate. In addition to raising guarantee fees charged by the two government-sponsored enterprises, the new law requires the Department of Housing and Urban Development to raise FHA annual...
President Obama this week moved to break a GOP blockade in the Senate by making a recess appointment of Richard Cordray to become director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a political maneuver that defies 20 years of precedent and may set the stage for a legal challenge. The Obama administration claimed that it is fully within its Constitutional authority to place the new director into his position, dismissing as a gimmick the pro-forma sessions Republicans used to block the nomination. A number of consumer groups came out in support of the appointment. The presidents allies in Congress were...
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and their federal regulator do not appear to have made much headway in convincing the mortgage industry to support a switch to a fee-for-service approach to servicing government-sponsored enterprise single-family mortgages. The vast majority of comments filed with the Federal Housing Finance Agency in response to its white paper on servicing compensation were from small and mid-sized lenders. The FHFA outlined two possible approaches, including its plan to pay servicers a flat fee of as little as $10 a month to service performing loans, with additional payments for...