The Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced a new regulation prohibiting lenders from using sexual orientation or gender identity as a basis for determining borrower eligibility for FHA-insured mortgage financing. The regulation specifically extends federal anti-discrimination protections to lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender persons and their families when applying for HUD-assisted or HUD-financed rental housing or an FHA-insured mortgage loan. The regulations will become effective 30 days after their publication in the Federal Register. HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan said the policy will ...
The National Association of Realtors recently asked the Department of Housing and Urban Development to allow investors to participate in the FHAs property rehabilitation program. The FHAs 203(k) Rehabilitation Mortgage Insurance Program allows homebuyers to take out a mortgage to purchase a house, including the cost of its rehabilitation. The program also allows the current owners to finance the rehabilitation of their own homes. Currently, investors and cooperative units are barred from using the 203(k) programs. Individual condominium units may be insured if ...
December was a productive month for FHA as the percentage of endorsements, fueled by strong refinance activity, rose 6.3 percent from the previous month, according to Inside FHA Lendings analysis of agency data. However, 2011 overall was not as generous. Refinance transactions totaled 30,515 for the month, up 15.1 percent from November, with borrowers FICO scores averaging in the 703-706 range. Streamline refis were up 20.2 percent and conventional-to-FHA refis also increased 11.5 percent over the same period. Total cash-out refis, likewise, bumped up 7.7 percent on a monthly basis. In the advent of President Obamas latest refinancing proposal ...
Veterans took advantage of their home loan benefit in record numbers, as loans originated under the Department of Veterans Affairs home loan guaranty program reached their highest total in eight years, according to the agency. The VA reported 357,594 mortgage loans with an agency guarantee in 2011, an increase of nearly 14.0 percent over last year. There are currently more than 1.5 million active VA home loans, the agency said. VA-backed home loans also showed the lowest serious delinquency and foreclosure rates in the mortgage industry, the agency noted. It cited the Mortgage Bankers Associations National Delinquency Survey for 3Q11 showing ... [including one chart]
Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corp. announced a new two-year waiver from regulatory capital requirements from the Office of the Insurance Commissioner for the State of Wisconsin, which would allow it to write new business through Dec. 31, 2013. Approved on Jan. 23, the waiver came after the previous waiver expired at the end of last year. As did the prior order, the new waiver allows MGIC to write new business as long as it maintains a level of capital sufficient to keep the company afloat. The new waiver required MGIC to contribute $200 million to MGIC Indemnity Corp. (MIC), a direct subsidiary of MGIC, by Jan. 31 as part of a ...
President Obama this week called on Congress to enact legislation to refinance non-agency borrowers through the FHA, to be paid for by large financial institutions, and to force Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to be more accommodating. Most observers say the proposals stand little or no chance in the bitterly divided Congress, and that they might have little more success than earlier FHA refi programs for non-FHA borrowers. Under the latest proposal, borrowers with conforming-balance loans not financed by the government-sponsored enterprises would be able to get refi loans from the FHA. To be eligible, the...
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Richard Cordray this week confirmed to members of Congress that the agencys top mortgage regulatory priority is its forthcoming rule on qualified mortgages something it expects to finalize this summer. Separately, the agency last week quietly complied with a disclosure practice that all other federal entities involved in rulemaking follow: the release of a regulatory agenda. The CFPB filing, after officials bickered with House Republicans last week over the issue, does not include several key projects, such as devising rules on unfair and deceptive practices...
The six federal agencies that have to respond to massive protests over a proposed qualified residential mortgage definition have offered little guidance on their next step, one that industry groups say is critical given its interaction with a separate rule that sets standards for qualified mortgages that show the borrower has the ability to repay a loan. We will probably see a QM rule before a QRM rule, said Joseph Pigg, senior counsel at the American Bankers Association. Getting six regulatory agencies to agree will make QRM a longer process, he noted. The QM/ability-to-repay rule is under...
Wells Fargo reclaimed the top ranking in residential mortgage servicing at the end of 2011, a position that the firm last held back in 2006. A new Inside Mortgage Finance ranking and analysis shows that Wells continued to build its mortgage servicing portfolio through robust loan origination activity, but it wasnt easy. Wells originated $120.5 billion in new loans during the fourth quarter, but managed to increase its servicing portfolio by just $7.5 billion, a 0.4 percent increase. That relatively small increase was enough to move well ahead of Bank of America, which reported a huge $165.8 billion net...
A new Treasury announcement sweetens the deal for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to allow principal forgiveness in loan modifications, but its not clear whether the government-sponsored enterprises, and their regulator, will abandon their opposition to writedowns. New changes in the Home Affordable Modification Program raise the maximum incentives for principal reduction from the current range 6 percent to 18 percent of the amount forgiven to a range of 21 percent to 63 percent. The Treasury Department said it would, for the first time, pay these incentives to the GSEs if they agree to write down the...