The regulator’s supervisory highlights report has identified violations of fair lending laws for the first time since September 2017, indicating a renewed interest in the issue.
A Maryland court grants class action certification to mortgage borrowers against Bank of America for illegal kickbacks; Ninth Circuit allows Oakland, CA, to sue Wells Fargo for discriminatory lending practices.
Need help from the CFPB on RESPA? Maybe not. A lack of specific rules, in fact, has enabled innovation in how settlement service providers interact with each other and refer customers.
Brian Johnson, who was deputy director of the CFPB until recently, has called on the agency to rescind a 2015 bulletin that essentially killed marketing services agreements.
The CFPB is investigating Rocket Homes, the home search platform and broker referral network of Quicken Loans, for violations of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, according to a recent S-1 filing.
A recently issued interim final rule allows mortgage servicers to offer certain COVID-19-related loss-mitigation assistance without a complete borrower application.
Some trade and consumer groups also expressed concerns over the timing of the request for information, calling upon the CFPB to extend the comment period.
A new COVID-19 payment deferral option provided by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that doesn’t require borrowers to submit a complete response package may lead to violations under the CFPB’s loss-mitigation rules, attorneys cautioned.